Film Studies


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Course Length

2 Years


Full Time
Reasons to study Film Studies
You have a keen interest in studying and producing your own films. You will develop strong analytical skills. You have a passion for film.
What you will study
You will study Cinema as a medium, art form and social and economic institution. You will also engage with a wide range of different kinds of films developing your skills of observation, critical analysis and personal reflection. In the first year you will study a range of different film and film techniques, including both American film and European films. The films you will study are: Pan’s Labyrinth, Shaun of the Dead, Sightseers, One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, Vertigo and Captain Fantastic. You will also, individually, film and edit your own film sequence of 2-3 minutes.
Entry Criteria
keen interest in film, watching films and practical work ability to articulate your views clearly and in detail
How you will be assessed
70% exams and 30% coursework
Priestley extra
To develop your appreciation of film, visits to the cinema will be organised. Visits in the past have included 3D screenings along with a screening at London’s BFI IMAX. Film students have also taken part in a trip to New York.
Reading List
Spectatorship and Audiences – an article on the website

Apply Now

The course allows progression to Higher Education courses in Film, Media, and develops a range of transferable critical, analytical and research skills, which you will be able to use effectively in future employment.

How to Apply

Apply for your place early to avoid disappointment!