Religious Studies


Home » Religious Studies





Course Length

2 Years


Full Time
Reasons to study Religious Studies
You want to study ethics and in particular the Buddhist religion in depth. You want to tackle the greatest philosophical theories and ideas. You aim to become an enlightened thinker, being able to contribute to the ethical debates of the greatest minds.
What you will study
Year 1 (AS) – Buddhism in depth, philosophy of religion (including the arguments for the existence of God) and religious ethics (including natural law and utilitarianism). Year 2 (A-Level) – Buddhism in further depth, miracles, religious language, conscience, meta-ethics and free will and determinism.
Entry Criteria
strong academic discipline and ability an enquiring, critical and reflective approach ability to work independently minimum GCSE grade 4 or above in English GCSE Religious Studies (either full or short course) is not essential but would be helpful
How you will be assessed
Year 1 (AS) – one two-hour exam and a one-hour exam Year 2 (A-Level) – two exams, each three hours
Priestley extra
Annual RS trip to Manchester to explore the Buddhist Temple and personal Q & A with a Buddhist monk. External speakers who share their experiences and bring religion to life.
Reading List
To get started with this course, you can get a flavour with the following reading list; Frye, J, 2017. Religious Studies for A-Level Year 1 and AS Frye, J, et al, 2017. Religious Studies for A-Level Year 2 Davies, B. 1983, 1993, 2004. An Introduction to Philosophy of Religion Cole, P. 2008. Philosophy of Religion (Access to Religion) Jordan, A, Lockyer N and Tate, E. 1999. Philosophy of Religion for A-Level Vardy, P and Arliss, J. 2003. The Thinkers Guide to God Vary, P and Vardy, C. 2013. God Matters Thompson, M. 2010. Understand the Philosophy of Religion: Teach Yourself Gaarder, J. 1995. Sophie’s World Hansell, N. 2016. The Sage Train (Philosophy comes to Life) Bowie, R. 2001. Ethical Studies Vardy, P and Grosch, P. 1999. The Puzzle of Ethics Vary, P and Vardy, C. 2012. Ethics Matters Thompson, M. 2010. Understand Ethics: Teach Yourself RS Review

Apply Now

Students who have studied Religious Studies go on to university and a variety of careers including teaching, social work, public services, caring professions and jobs within the private sector.

How to Apply

Apply for your place early to avoid disappointment!